COVID-19: An important update for our Students and employees. Protecting the well-being of our employees, customers, and community has and will always be our top priority. Our team understands the concern and uncertainty caused by coronavirus (COVID-19)To better assist those impacted by the crisis, we are pausing our in-person instruction meetings effective immediately as we were advised by our direct authorities. This pause will remain in effect through April 28, 2020.  We are planning to continue instructing you online and this week’s class is as simple as follows.

Find a monologue on line
Learn it
Find your personal approach to it
Record it and forward to our email or 214-809-9521 for review and notes
We will reply with notes and directions for you to re-record it.

Edgar & Josey Arreola
•Call or text us with any questions
•Keep yourself safe and avoid large gatherings.
•Keep Calm and enjoy your love ones.